KAI's customer service room was established in 2000 in order to better respond to inquiries from consumers. About 120 inquiries are made daily. Masahiro Iwata, the section chief, explained: ‘Taking inquiries from the consumer is absolutely vital because it allows us to respond to questions and complaints. Even more critically, it allows our marketing team to collect data directly from the consumer and we can learn what kind of products customers are wanting. We can use this information to create future products that will hopefully be big hits. Our goal is to turn every inquiry into useful information. We used to stay on the phone with each customer for only a few minutes. Now we stay on the phone longer as we try to get more specific information. We have also developed an inter-office data base system so that KAI employees can access data files from previous inquiries. Data files are sorted by age group, product line, type of inquiry, etc. Now we can use these files during product improvement and development. In the future we plan to collect some of our information via social media so that more customers can reach out to us directly.’