Customer Harassment Policy

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  • KAI Group Initiatives
  • Customer Harassment Policy

Ⅰ.The KAI Group definition of customer harassment

Based on the Company Manual on Customer Harassment Countermeasures published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, we define customer harassment as follows.

Any claim, speech, or conduct from a customer in which – when considered in light of the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the content of the request in the claim, speech, or conduct – the means or manner of fulfilling that request is socially inappropriate, and such means or manner will impair the work environment of our employees

Ⅱ.Basic policy and purpose

The KAI Group mission (duty and reason for existing) of Cutting-edge precision | Conscientious care aims to be a close part of people's everyday lives through KAI Group products and services.

However, some requests, speech, or conduct from customers that are beyond the bounds of common-sense norms may include elements that injure the dignity of employees personally, such as speech or conduct that insults the character of an employee, violence, sexual harassment, etc. This kind of conduct leads to deterioration in the work environment and is a grave problem.

In order to respect the human rights of employees, though we will handle these kinds of requests, speech, and conduct with good faith and understanding toward the customer, we will also maintain a resolute stance.

If any employee receives this kind of treatment from a customer, we encourage that employee to report or inquire about the incident. We will respond organizationally to these reports and inquiries.

While striving to ensure a sound work environment, we will address the customer in good faith, and work to maintain a sound and positive relationship.

Ⅲ.Target conduct and response (internal and external)

  • ■ Target conduct
  • - Violence by and abusive language from a customer
  • - Excessive or unreasonable requests from a customer
  • - Time or place constraints from a customer that exceed reasonable limits
  • - Other kinds of harassing conduct from a customer
  • - Libel and slander on social media or the internet etc.
  • ■ Responses to customer harassment
  • <Internal>
  • - We provide training for knowledge and response methods concerning customer harassment.
  • - We establish and maintain support services for customer harassment.
  • - To ensure a more appropriate response, we work with external specialists like the police and lawyers.
  • <External>
  • - If an incident involving customer harassment occurs, we will use rational discussion to aim toward a reasonable resolution and strive to build an even better relationship.
  • - If malicious customer harassment continues, we may unfortunately have to discontinue discussion with that customer.
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KAI Group Initiatives