Factories' profiles

Oyana Factory
This factory is mainly responsible for producing razor blades and medical blades. Taking advantage of its position as the headquarters factory where technical and development staffs responsible for pursuing cutting-edge technology related to blades are on duty at all times, this factory has machineries in operation which can accommodate various types and shapes of blades. This factory is at the heart of KAI factories which ensures sharpness of products produced.

Senbiki Factory
This factory produces refillable razors and disposable razors. It assembles and packages razor blades produced in the Oyana factory and also does resin molding for handle parts of razors and pressing of metallic parts. This factory's production ranges from old to new types of razor products, and has divisions in charge of machineries and mold production.

Tawara Factory
This factory is mainly in charge of producing scissors and nail clippers. It is a unique situation that one company is in charge of producing various types of scissors for office, sewing and cooking purposes, as well as wide range of nail clippers. In this factory, laser cutting machines which are capable of intricate shaping and special processing technology called MIM (Metal Injection Molding) are used.

Yamato Tsurugi Factory
This factory is responsible for kitchen knife production. Its lines of products are wide ranging from mass-produced kitchen knives for general households and luxurious kitchen knives, and to professional ones which were developed together with a chef from a 3-star restaurant in France. This factory can accommodate various types of work processes depending on the lines of kitchen knives including a special technique called wet method blade edging which can be carried out by only few workers in our company, and blade edging by robots.

Vietnam Factory
This factory plays an active role as the exporting base for Asian and European market. This factory started from producing razors for female and thin leaf type nail clippers for Japan. It has then steadily expanded to produce scissors and kitchen knives, and now grown to a big production base with over 700 employees. This factory in Vietnam is learning Japanese innovative production and management activities and continues KAIZEN, and has become a great factory which inherited KAI's product manufacturing spirit.

Shanghai Factory
This factory is responsible for shape forming, assemblage, packaging and shipping razor blades imported from Japan. Main exporting destinations are Japan and the U.S.A. About 99% of the products manufactured are razors. The Shanghai factory is unique to have only one transceiver within the premise so that all the instructions can be heard by everyone. This factory is expected to grow in the future not only for export purposes but also for gradually expanding domestic sales in China.

U.S.A. Factory
This factory took over an American traditional knife manufacturer "Kershaw". Knives are important part of American people's everyday lives, used for opening parcels, camping and fishing. In response to such existing demand, this factory started restructuring the manufacturer by introducing KAI's prominent blade technology. KAI's spirit of "People-friendly blades" is taking root overseas even in the U.S.A.

India Factory
Built in the Indian state of Rajasthan, this is KAI's newest overseas factory, and it is mainly responsible for the production of razors, kitchen knives and nail clippers. KAI does not consider the India plant to be a mere overseas production base. We are going through a process of trial and error to make it a factory that understands the needs of the local people, makes products that they need, and offers them these items to purchase.